Tuesday, August 24, 2010

How often should I go to tanning salon guys?

Hi guys,

Just want to get some advice from you guys...I ve been doing outdoor tanning in the past two years and I never got burn...never got really tan before either...properly i didnt go often enough...However, I have decided to try tanning salon this year since i dont have much free time...My first time I went in the 160W stand-up for 6 min...im just wondering if it is ok for me to go everyday since i want to get a tan faster...or i should go every other day to get best results...btw, after how long I should move up to the next stronger bed/standup....thanks guy...(P.S my skin is normal and olive...)How often should I go to tanning salon guys?
Don't tan. It's unhealthy and you'll be all wrinkly (or get skin cancer) later in life. Pale is in.How often should I go to tanning salon guys?
well let me start by telling you to ignore all the ppl who are telling you not to go indoor tanning because indoor tanning is way better then outdoor and you always feel good with a tann but anways really you can go when ever but i think 7 days straght is a little much and might just make you burn rember always start off gradlually and incresse because your a beginer tanner i kno i used to work in a tanning salon for 5 years but its reccomened that you tanning 2 days then skip a day in that patteren for the first 11 days to build your base Tann then you can go when ever i suggest going like 3 days straight then skip a day then go 3 days u know what i mean but just make shure you have created a schedule and stick by it and then you should have your desired color. if you have any other questions just post another thingy and ill be happy to share my knowledge i hope i helped u !
Its hard to say without really seeing you. The best person to ask is actually the person at the front desk. I went every day last year, although i forgot the strength of the bed (I'm irish tho). You should talk to the desk and find out their advise, and also new bulbs are a lot stronger than older ones and need far less time after being changed. Just don't get orange, that never looks good.
Tanning salons are so bad for you, you're doing damage everytime you go. If you want to get tan in the sun, you can use things on your body, a can of beer, a can of coke. Try drinking a glass of carrot juice before you go in the sun. But you're just doing so much damage by going to a tanning salon
My personal advice is to avoid tanning salons all together. I have a 24 year old son who was 16 when he was diagnosed with Melanoma after a routine removal of a mole that had changed. Shortly after his 17th birthday, he had major surgery to remove the cancerous skin plus several lymph nodes. We learned so much about skin and it's care that I can never pass up a chance to warn people about the dangers of tanning. My son's dermatologist and cancer doctor told us that tanned skin is damaged skin and damaged skin is a factor in the mutation that skin cells go through to form skin cancer. Melanoma happens to be the most deadly of the skin cancers and the increase of melanoma diagnoses in young people is quite high. I suggest not using a tanning salon and protecting your skin with sunscreen, shade, and clothing when outside. Sorry about being up on a ';soapbox';, but this is my advice.
Going every once on a while is fine, but don't get hooked because even though your tan might look good now, it will make you age quicker, you will start to have wrinkles in your 30's and that isn't good, and yes the actaul son can cause cancer but tanning booths can cause it that much more, by the time you are 40 your skin will look like a football (all wrinkly)

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